Olde Towne Animal Hospital

Pain Management

Nobody wants to see an animal in pain, especially if they are a beloved member of our family. At Olde Towne Animal Hospital, we strive to maintain the best quality of life possible for your pet which includes minimizing, if not eliminating, acute or chronic pain.

Acute Pain Management

Pain is an uncomfortable but helpful side effect - it lets us know that something is wrong. When your pet signals that he is in pain, you know immediately that it’s time to bring him in. Although the pain is a helpful indicator, you don’t want it to last.

Acute (or sharp and sudden) pain tells us that there is a specific cause and straightforward treatment. The source could be a broken bone, an injured paw, or infected tooth.

In these cases, Olde Towne Animal Hospital is able to both manage the pain and treat the underlying issue. We offer a range of pain management solutions, including medication and non-pharmacological treatment. Some cases will require a prescription but others would be better treated with a massage or cold compression.

Whatever the situation, Olde Towne Animal Hospital will treat your pet with compassion and care. Trust us to work quickly to identify the source of the problem and eliminate the pain.

Chronic Pain Management

Chronic pain is often more difficult to identify and treat than pain that is acute. In fact, it may take time for an owner to recognize that something is even wrong. If you notice a gradual change in your pet’s behavior, give us a call. Limping, joint stiffness, and extreme fatigue are symptoms to watch out for.

Unfortunately, chronic pain can greatly reduce a pet’s quality of life and the cause is sometimes incurable. Osteoarthritis, for example, is a condition that affects nearly half of all dogs and cannot be cured. Another common cause of chronic pain is simple aging.

The silver lining is that there are many ways to manage chronic pain. Our veterinary team is able to prescribe medications or offer non-pharmaceutical solutions according to your preferences. Ensuring that your pet is comfortable and able to enjoy life is our primary objective. Give us a call today to learn more.

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Phone: 631-283-0611

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